Tuesday 24 May 2016

The Gessami Residence by Jane L. Gibson

The one thing I thought was very bold and yet completely honest was the way Gibson portrayed her middle-aged (mid 30's to mid 40's) group of female characters.

None of them are interested in seeing the sights, visiting museums or learning about the foreign country they are in. They are there to have fun, let loose and party.

Regardless of whether some people deem it inappropriate because they aren't in their 20's any more, this is quite the norm nowadays. A bunch of friends leaving behind the kids, the husband, the cat and the white picket fence for a week or two of innocent fun. Then again innocent might be the wrong word for it.

Jenny and her friends don't really conform to the image some readers may have, but I know my friends and I often joke about getting away for a weekend. Tequila body shots off half naked men, Ole! At this rate I am more likely to swig an exciting lemonade off the cover of my next read.

Hidden in all the jokes and fun stuff is a huge mountain for Jenny to overcome. Getting back on the bike and into the dating scene is no simple feat when you have spent most of your life with just the one man. Your body is no longer that of a nubile goddess, spanks are in order instead of Victoria's Secret and that's before we get to any of the intimate stuff.

Gibson needs to let her emotions flow into her characters, which will give them more depth and allow readers to connect on a deeper level. When that happens her stories will perhaps go from quick summer read to something more memorable.

Buy The Gessami Residence at Amazon UK or go to Goodreads for any other retailer.

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