Tuesday 14 July 2020

#BlogTour Rose's Choice by Chrissie Bradshaw

Today it's my turn on the BlogTour Rose's Choice by Chrissie Bradshaw.
About the Author
Chrissie, 2016 winner of the Romantic Novelist's Elizabeth Goudge writing trophy, is a seasoned tea drinker and a tenacious trainer of her welsh terrier, Oscar. She has always loved match-making a book to a reader. Writing the kind of book she loves to read takes this a step further.

She has written two contemporary sagas, A Jarful of Moondreams, a contemporary story about family relationships, secrets and how dreams can come true, and The Barn of Buried Dreams, a contemporary story about two sisters who are struggling after the death of their mother. Rose's Choice is her first historical saga and is set where Chrissie lives in Northumberland. When she is not writing or reading, you will find Chrissie walking Oscar on the beautiful Northumbrian coastline, travelling or spending time with her family and friends.

Follow @ChrissieBeee on Twitteron Amazon, on Facebook, on Instagram,Visit chrissiebradshaw.comBuy Rose's Choice

About the book
Rationing, bombing, disease and pit disasters are part of Rose Kelly’s World War 2 childhood. When the spirited coalminer’s daughter discovers a family secret, she makes a choice that overshadows her teenage years. Rose tries to make the most of post-war opportunities but family tragedy pulls her back to a life in the colliery rows. She relinquishes her bright future for domestic duties because her family comes first. Will family ties get in the way of her dreams?

Rose lives the life of a working class girl. Families are always only one step away from death, disaster and being homeless. Her childhood is made tenfold difficult by wartime restrictions, fears and invisible diseases that kill those around her.

The Strangling Angel of Children - diphtheria. Given the pandemic we are going through at the moment this is a relevant walk through history and perhaps also because in a time where conspiracy theories are at the forefront this story should remind us how many lives have been saved by vaccinations.

Rose is torn between duty and personal achievements, which isn't an easy place to be. Those feelings are difficult enough to deal with, but being privy to a secret is what ultimately determines her choices in life.

Although her dreams become something Rose has to put to the side in order to help her family it is also a completely normal thing in that era for working class people. Feeding family, clothing family and keeping a roof over their head - it is all more important than personal dreams and possible careers. 

Bradshaw gives this historical read a Cookson vibe, but perhaps with more of a modern attitude. We will persevere, despite the sorrow and loss. It makes you wonder how much people can endure before they break, although one could argue that the those on the bottom rung are used to defying the odds.

It's a story that has its heart-wrenching moments, but also uplifting ones and characters full of determination.

Buy Rose's Choice (The Colliery Rows Book 1) at Amazon Uk. Publisher: Vallum Publishing,; pub date 17 July 2020. Buy at Amazon com.

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