Sunday 11 April 2021

Lockdown Buys and Reads - Giveaway!


To celebrate the beginning of lockdown finally easing a little, and trying to see some positive in the negative after the past year, I am giving away a signed copy of Ruthless Women by Melanie Blake! It's bringing sexy and bonkbusters back in a big way.

I don't do a lot of opinion pieces on my blog. I like to keep things strictly about the book love and sharing reviews, but I am going to deviate from my usual pattern to share a little about how books have become an even bigger part of my life - if that is even possible - during this new era of lockdown, pandemic and a change in life as we have known it.

I buy a lot of books. I bought a lot of books before the pandemic - now I am buying at least double the amount. I think there is generally a misconception when it comes to the perception of book bloggers (and any other social media outlet book ravers), that we receive review copies and aside from a marketing perspective - sharing and telling everyone about said books - we give nothing back to the book world in a financial capacity.

Absolutely a myth for the majority of us, obviously I can't speak for everyone, but I for one spend loads on books. I often buy a copy of my own even if I have received a review copy. If I buy an audiobook I usually buy the digital or physical version too - mainly because I am a fast reader and get impatient whilst listening (usually a sign of a good book). Then there are the copies I buy as gifts, because I love sharing a great read with the people around me. And that's without counting the books I buy because they sound like a great read.

During the isolation of lockdown and the extreme changes we have faced in the past year I have found my book buying has evolved into a full blown coping mechanism (and so has buying American snacks, but that is a whole other matter). 

I thought it would be fun to share some books and reviews under the caption of Lockdown Reads and to kick things off with a competition. Enter the Giveaway below to win a signed copy of the brilliant Ruthless Women by Melanie Blake.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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