Tuesday 24 March 2020

#BlogTour Game Changer by Lasairiona E. McMaster

Well hello, yesterday was my turn on the BlogTour Game Changer by Lasairiona E. McMaster, but I straight up forgot - so sorry for that!
About the Author
Lasairiona McMaster grew up dreaming of an exciting life abroad, and, after graduating from Queens University, Belfast, that is exactly what she did - with her then-boyfriend, now husband of almost ten years. Having recently repatriated to Northern Ireland after a decade abroad spanned over two countries (seven and a half years in America and eighteen months in India), she now finds herself 'home', with itchy feet and dreams of her next expatriation.

With a penchant for both travelling, and writing, she started a blog during her first relocation to Houston, Texas and, since repatriating to Northern Ireland, has decided to do as everyone has been telling her to do for years, and finally pen a book (or two) and get published while she tries to adjust to the people and place she left ten years ago, where nothing looks the same as it did when she left.

Follow Lasairiona @QueenofFireLas on Twitter, on Facebookon Instagramon Goodreads, Visit lasandcolgotexan.com, Buy Game Changer

About the book
AJ Williams wasn’t supposed to fall in love with a girl on the internet. But he did.

Other than living over five thousand miles away in Northern Ireland, Lisa Millar is seemingly his perfect match. AJ can’t quite believe his luck, not only is she beautiful, but she has an appreciation for both music and hockey - two of his favorite things.

Surprised by Lisa turning up unannounced in Alabama, AJ is under pressure to deal with the issue at hand. Should he risk losing her, come clean and tell her the truth? Or should he try to keep his secret under wraps?

Will true love win out? Or will AJ’s secret be too much for Lisa to bear?
When Jeremy sets his friend AJ up on a double-date it's more about Jeremy wanting to get into someone's knickers, as opposed to wanting his friend to meet a great girl.

The banter between AJ and Jeremy, and of course AJ's worst enemy - his own brain and conscience, is typical locker room stuff. Misogyny is part and parcel of their relationship goals and daily interactions with the opposite gender. They aren't exactly Prince Charming candidates, but they certainly think they are.

AJ is more than surprised when he finds himself attracted to Lisa, even if it is only via chat from one continent to another. They grow closer and a spark of attraction grows into something neither of them expects. Unfortunately there are bigger barriers than oceans between them.

Let me just warn you - AJ really likes to talk to himself. He has a constant internal dialogue with himself, to the point where I am not sure he is listening because he spends all of his time having internal conversations. At times he isn't even sure whether he is saying it in his head or out loud.

It's the first in a young adult romance. A story very much driven by heightened emotions and the emotional turmoil that is felt by the young with such strength that the world always appears to be coming to an end when things don't go their way.

McMaster delivers a story full of passion, love and also one full of omissions, one that has potential for development.

Buy Game Changer at Amazon Uk or go to Goodreads for any other retailer. Publisher: Drama Llama Publishing; pub date 14 Mar. 2020. Buy at Amazon com.

Read my review of Bloom Where You're Planted by Lasairiona E. McMaster.

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