Sunday 8 July 2018

#BlogTour Dis_ability by Munir Zamir

Today it is my turn on the BlogTour for Dis_ability by Munir Zamir, and it is my pleasure I to introduce you a writer who wields his words like a double-edged sword. His pain and his personal journey are reflected in his poignant and often unforgiving words.

About the Author
Munir Zamir is a creative writer, Poet and Spoken Word Artist based in London. He has spent the past decade and more tackling issues related to countering ideological extremism and prejudice, having personal experience of both issues. Munir spends his working hours contributing to the ongoing struggle to challenge and overcome those narratives that seek to exploit vulnerable groups in society through arguments built on intentional concepts and ideas of hate and prejudice. A pioneer in the counter-extremism space, Munir has often ploughed a lone furrow, at times locking horns and at other times trying to assist Governments around the world, policy makers, practitioners and alike, with the sole aim of trying to safeguard vulnerable young people and those at risk of being radicalised.
Follow @_MunirZamir
Buy Dis_ability

About the book
An exploration of disability, its social perception and lived experience, from a poetic and personal perspective

I was born different.
I wouldn't want it any other way.

Dis_ability is an influential and forceful collection of poems highlighting the need for genuine social and ethical change in order for differences to be understood as something to be championed and not feared.

Poetry isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I find it is a little bit like a non or reluctant reader finding the right book. If the Bard doesn't appeal to you then perhaps a more modern approach to the genre will. I can imagine this being being part of performance art.

Social and political commentary in the form of poetry, sounds like an interesting event, especially when you take the power of these particular words and the topics into consideration.

The author is a Spoken Word Artist, I would love to see some of these poems being spoken with the anger, disappointment, pain and realism you can feel whilst reading them.

The following are included in Dis_ability:
The Body Perfect, Infinitely Better Body, Child Disability, The Axis, Made Wrong But Don't Mind, River of Tears, What Body?, Time is an Album, Life by Design, Give Me Space, Symmetry, Average Disability, When I Think, A Beautiful Contradiction, Scattered Soul, Eyes, Not for the Fainthearted, You are not my Maker, Whose Cause?, The Loneliness, Sleep Better, Mutant Gene and It's Your Definition.

I would love to be able to quote one of the pieces to be able to relay how uncompromisingly direct and honest these words are. I would find it difficult to single out just one piece that stood out, but if I had to it would be Child Disability, which speaks to the children and young people still learning to accept themselves and the way society perceives them. Sentences like 'Accept the mediocre and Tolerate the unjust' speak volumes about the invisibility and powerlessness of those who are deemed different.

As the author mentions at the end of this book, the message is indeed universal. Although someone in the same situation may have more insight into the context, I think the whole point is airing pain that needs to be felt and heard by those who understand it the least, because it isn't something they have to deal with. I hope to read more by this author in the future.

Buy Dis_ability at Amazon Uk or go to Goodreads for any other retailer.

Take a look at what my fellow bloggers have to say about Dis_ability.
Monday 2nd July Between the Pages
Tuesday 3rd July Luna’s Little Library
Wednesday 4th July Donna’s Book Blog
Thursday 5th July Bee Reader Books
Friday 6th July Poetic Insights
Saturday 7th July Writing Follies
Sunday 8th July Cheryl M-M’s Book Blog Reviewing Shelf

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