Thursday 18 December 2014

The Whispers by Lisa Unger

This is the first of three e-novellas by Unger.
Eloise and her family are struck by tragedy, which changes her life in a drastic way. The extremely distressing events change something in her or perhaps it is better to say they connect her to a completely new world.

Since the death of her loved ones Eloise has started getting visions of young girls in fatal situations. She becomes a possible saviour to those in need and those in their last moments of life.

It wasn't made clear how Eloise understands what is happening to her so quickly. How does she know to question the girl? Why is the first question 'Where are you?' and not 'Who are you?' and what the hell is going on?

It also bugged me that she decides to ignore the pleas for help by the second girl. That didn't make any sense to me. By that time Eloise knows she is being shown girls to help them in dire situations, so why would she turn away from any one of them?

Regardless of whether she is going through the stress of a trial. Weighing it up against each other; you either stop a potential killer from striking in your own backyard or you wallow in misery. Keeping in mind that she knows the threat is watching girls in her town.It not only makes no sense, it is also quite selfish.

I wasn't keen on the writing, but the plot is interesting enough to overlook that. I think if given more focus and depth it could become a good series.
I received a copy of this book courtesy of Netgalley.

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