Saturday 19 March 2016

Sidney Chambers and the Perils of the Night by James Runcie

If you didn't happen to catch the TV première of Grantchester then you are definitely missing out on a treat.The second season has just started on ITV.

The series is based on James Runcie's The Grantchester Mysteries featuring the sleuth Sidney Chambers, the canon detective with a flair for secrets and mysteries.

Perils of the Night is a collection of Sidney Chambers stories, some of which you may recognise from the TV series, although the script writers have changed the plots slightly.

In this book Sidney introduces the two ladies in his life to each other. A recipe for disaster one might think. Personally I am rooting for neither of them. Amanda is way too spoilt little rich girl and Hildegard is a bit of an ice queen. Hildegard also ends up involving Sidney in the rise of the wall in Germany, albeit inadvertently.

One of the main elements of the Sidney Chambers books is the relationship between Sidney and Keating. Their bromance is a highlight of both the stories and the tv series. The two of them come from completely different walks of life, and yet their friendship demolishes all boundaries between them.

I'm not sure if crime follows Sidney around or whether he is instantly drawn to it, because no matter where he goes there is always some kind of incident. Murder, theft, spies, oh and the idiosyncrasies of village life.

The television series really has managed to capture the essence of Sidney and Keating perfectly, and the stories written by James Runcie. Sidney Chambers is the perfect mixture of cosy mystery and small minded morality.

Buy Perils of the Night at Amazon UK or go to Goodreads for any other retailer.

Read Sidney Chambers and The Shadow of Death

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