Monday 18 May 2020

#BlogTour Always Been You by Lasairiona E. McMaster

Today it's my turn on the BlogTour Always Been You by Lasairiona E. McMaster.
About the Author
Lasairiona McMaster grew up dreaming of an exciting life abroad, and, after graduating from Queens University, Belfast, that is exactly what she did - with her then-boyfriend, now husband of almost ten years. Having recently repatriated to Northern Ireland after a decade abroad spanned over two countries (seven and a half years in America and eighteen months in India), she now finds herself 'home', with itchy feet and dreams of her next expatriation.

With a penchant for both travelling, and writing, she started a blog during her first relocation to Houston, Texas and, since repatriating to Northern Ireland, has decided to do as everyone has been telling her to do for years, and finally pen a book (or two) and get published while she tries to adjust to the people and place she left ten years ago, where nothing looks the same as it did when she left.

Follow Lasairiona @QueenofFireLas on Twitter, on Facebookon Instagramon Goodreads, Visit lasandcolgotexan.comBuy Always Been You

About the book
Five thousand miles from his ex, AJ is living with Lisa’s decision to call it quits and leave both him, and Alabama behind. Upon hearing that Lisa is moving forward from their engagement with a new (and handsome!) doctor-boyfriend, AJ is confused and broken at the idea of facing life without his soul mate. AJ finds himself at a cross roads, does he give up all hope of ever reconciling with Lisa and take a chance on love again with someone new? Or is his heart destined to be forever entwined with the beautiful Irish woman he met on the internet… who is now with another man?

Well, AJ stills spends half of his time having conversations in his head, and no the advice isn't any better in there. At the end of Worth Fighting For he was left in shock when Lisa calls off their relationship. His betrayal and the fact he got married behind her back has become to much to put up with.

As usual this leaves AJ on the precipice of a massive meltdown and possibly a deep depression. So what now? Accept that Lisa has decided to move on from their tempestuous relationship and get on with his own life or fight for the woman he loves?

This is a romance, and is a part of series that veers into mental health on occasion and has a YA vibe.

There wasn't as much focus on men's mental health issues in this part of the series, although AJ does struggle with the rejection and the ramifications of his own actions. This time it was about AJ persevering, despite his emotional turmoil and the obstacles in his way.

The characters are young, everything they do and say is dramatic and could possibly be life-threatening or life changing. Some of them also appear to be able to flit to and fro from one continent to the other without going bankrupt or getting jet lag.

It's for readers who like their romance filled with complications, confrontations and heart-wrenching emotional choices. McMaster certainly knows how to to deliver that.

Buy Always Been You (AJ Williams #3) at Amazon Uk or go to Goodreads for any other retailer. Publisher: Drama Llama Publishing 9 May 2020. Buy at Amazon com.

Read my reviews of Worth Fighting For, Bloom Where You're Planted and Game Changer by Lasairiona E. McMaster.

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