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Saturday 4 January 2020

#BlogTour Her Last Secret by P.L. Kane

I mixed up my days and missed my slot on the tour yesterday, probably because I am still in the 'what day is it' time of the year and thought it was a completely different day, so a day late and a dollar short - here is my post for the BlogTour Her Last Secret by P.L. Kane.

About the Author
P.L. Kane is the pseudonym of a #1 bestselling and award-winning author and editor, who has had over ninety books published in the fields of SF, YA and Horror/Dark Fantasy. In terms of crime fiction, previous books include the collection Nailbiters and the anthology Exit Wounds.

Kane has had work optioned and adapted for film and television (including LionsGate/NBC, who picked up a story for primetime US network TV). Several of Kane's stories have been turned into short movies and Loose Canon Films/Hydra Filma have just adapted 'Men of the Cloth' into a feature, The Colour of Madness.

Kane's audio drama work for places such as Bafflegab and Spiteful Puppet/ITV features the acting talents of people like Tom Meeten (The Ghoul), Neve McIntosh (Dr Who/Shetland), Alice Lowe (Prevenge) and Ian Ogilvy (Return of the Saint). Visit plkane.com for more details.

Follow @PLKane1 on Twitter, on Goodreads, Buy Her Last Secret
About the book
Jordan Radcliffe is found stabbed to death.
Her boyfriend’s finger prints are on the knife and his clothes are covered in her blood. Case closed… Or is it?

When Jordan’s estranged father Jake learns of his only daughter’s death, he is convinced that there is more to her murder than he is being told. But Jake hasn’t seen Jordan for over three years and, with secrets of her own, she was far from the child he abandoned all those years ago.

Jake’s ex-wife Jules, is reluctant to let him waltz back into her life. But with a question mark hanging over the case, Jake knows that he must piece together the fragments of evidence before it is too late. Will he ever discover the truth?

The death of a child, your own child, is the worst possible experience a parent can go through, even more so when your child is brutally murdered.

Jake and Julie are completely devastated by the murder of their daughter Jordan. The only comfort is the fact the police already have the murderer in custody. Bobby was found covered in his girlfriend's blood, but he still insists that he is innocent.

Her parents, in particular Jake, find it difficult to reconcile their present with their past. Jake has to deal with the new man in her life and the new father figure in his daughters life. A man he takes an instant dislike to - is it just jealousy?

One of the most poignant elements of this story is guilt. Jake realises that there is no going back - no do over as a father to his daughter. He wasn't there to protect Jordan or to give her advice. Instead the separation from wife and home also resulted in the father and daughter relationship being severed.

He points the finger straight at his ex-wife. Why didn't she pay more attention to what Jordan was doing and who she was seeing? It's an easy way to deal with your own sense of guilt I suppose. Blame someone else, because the reality is so much more painful than Jake wants to acknowledge.

It's an emotionally charged domestic noir - fraught with guilt and regret. Kane plots a crime, but turns the story into a compelling tale about relationships, broken homes and families.

Buy Her Last Secret at Amazon Uk or go to Goodreads for any other retailer. Publisher: HQ Digital; pub date 8 Jan. 2020. Buy at Amazon com.


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