Monday 10 June 2019

#BlogTour Still Standing by Natalie Queiroz

Today it is a pleasure to take part in the BlogTour Still Standing by Natalie Queiroz. It's a heart-wrenching and brutally honest memoir.
About the Author
Natalie Queiroz is the survivor of one of the most appallingly brutal attacks imaginable. After being stabbed two dozen times by her partner when she was eight months pregnant, she has rebuilt her life and inspired people the length and breadth of the country with her courage and refusal to be bowed by her trauma. Alongside a successful full-time career, she has since become a motivational speaker and, through various feats of endurance and daring, raised thousands of pounds for the Midlands Air Ambulance charity she owes her life to.
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About the book
Natalie Queiroz was eight months pregnant when she was stabbed by her partner in the most vicious attack imaginable.

In the space of nine minutes, and in broad daylight, Natalie was stabbed twenty-four times with a carving knife. She suffered horrific wounds to her lungs, liver, stomach and uterus, whilst the knife missed her baby by a margin of two millimeters, before the arteries in her wrists were methodically severed by the hooded attacker she finally realised was her partner and the father of her unborn child.

After heroic intervention by passers-by and police, the attack was brought to an end, but her ordeal was not over. An air ambulance rescue was launched, and against all medical odds, Natalie and her baby survived - but not without life-changing physical and emotional damage.

Still Standing is the story of one life-shattering event - what came before that fateful day, what happened on it, and how one woman and her baby survived to rebuild and heal together after it. At once a shocking story of evil, manipulation and violence, and a truly moving reminder that a life can be pieced back together, no matter how bad the damage, this book will empower and inspire anyone who has ever faced true adversity to rise up and stand tall.

This is an incredibly difficult read at times, because it's about real people, real lives and a heinous crime that actually happened. Queiroz shows tremendous endurance and courage throughout, despite the obstacles she has to overcome, but perhaps more so because of the honesty of her emotions.

She never turns away from the truth or from the harsh reality of her situation. At all times she endeavours to do what is right and healthy for herself, her daughters and her family. It takes a strong woman to overcome the anger, confusion, heartbreak and fear she must have felt and indeed probably always will feel. Life has dealt her harsh blows, and yet she carries on with admirable strength.

There is nothing to warn her of the attack upon herself and her child. No abuse building up to a violent crescendo. No warning or little voice in her ear. In a way it's almost worst than the perpetrator having, in his opinion, some valid reason. Let me just be clear there is no such thing. There absolutely is no excuse or reason to commit such an incredibly vicious crime, regardless of whether it is against the woman you love and the child you craved or a complete stranger.

Another thing I would like to say, even if for posterity only, he knew what he was doing. This wasn't some moment of passion or loss of insanity. He targeted her with precision, as he did his child. He cannot ever be trusted again, in any capacity - ever.

The fact Queiroz was attacked by the man who purported to love her just makes the crime and indeed these types of crime even more despicable. Her description of the events, well they certainly aren't easy to read.

It's a heart-wrenching and brutally honest memoir. I am not kidding when I say brutal either. The account of the attack is absolutely harrowing. There aren't many people who experience an attack of this magnitude and live to tell the tale. It's a miracle both Natalie and her baby survived. Kudos to her for sharing her story with the world.

Buy Still Standing at Amazon Uk or go to Goodreads for any other retailer. Publisher: John Blake; pub date 13 Jun. 2019. Buy at Amazon com.

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