Home Reviews

Thursday 5 November 2015

Need by Joelle Charbonneau

Fascinating premise and perhaps not quite as unrealistic as one might think. Given the power of social media and how vulnerable and easily influenced young people are, it isn't really that far-fetched.

Imagine a social media site that will fulfil any need you might have. Not your wants or your wishes, but your needs. An Ipad, a phone, a trip to Disneyland or perhaps you need a car.

It all starts out with simple invitations and the fledgling members have the ability to invite a specific number of other users. (Reminds me of the way the social media platform Ello started out, and how coveted the invitations were at the beginning.)

Each user has to request a need, which is then submitted only when invites have been sent out. At least that's the way it starts out. All innocence and fun until the Need site starts asking their members for more than just extra members.

Things quickly become insidious and dangerous. Teenagers are manipulated into doing seemingly innocent deeds, all of which are connected in some way.

In the midst of all this is Kaylee, a young girl living with the an enormous burden on her shoulders. She has been looking for a solution to her problems and has lied, stolen and deceived to do it. Her mother no longer trusts her and everyone else thinks she is desperate and crazy.

Charbonneau has a fresh voice with innovative ideas. I think she let the story run away with her a little towards the end, because it wasn't as tight as in the beginning, but other than that it was an interesting idea and read.

Thank you to NetGalley for my copy of Need.
Buy Need at Amazon UK or go to Goodreads for any other retailer.

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