Home Reviews

Friday 30 October 2015

Shifter: City of Wolves by Avery Burch

It's supposed to be adult paranormal romance, but I think it is a combination of YA and New Adult with fairly graphic scenes. That is possibly something the author needs to look at more closely.

The age of the main characters and their dialogues does not gel with the more adult content in the book.

At times it seemed as if two sub-genres were colliding in a way that suggests the author isn't quite sure which direction she wants to go in.

Then there is the matter of keeping it realistic, well as realistic as you can get when werewolves are involved. Having your main female character give fellatio to the main male character in the middle of huge fight or slaughter scene, well it just isn't realistic.

Everyone around you is being killed, weapons are being fired and you fear for your life. So you do what everyone would do in that dire situation you wipe out your boyfriends winkle and blow, suck and lick for what your life is worth.

Sometimes less is more, and in this case the author needs to be more certain and stand behind her storyline instead of resorting to quick erotic thrills to keep the reader reading. Is her storyline strong enough without all the graphic intervals? Yes, I believe it is. Perhaps a little too much on the YA side, but then maybe that is where Birch would be more comfortable.

The other thing I found slightly dodgy was the fascination with incestuous scenarios. I know they are wolves, and animals don't adhere to higher social standards when it comes to being related, but these are shifters. They are men and women with the possible genetic coding of a shifter. They live as humans, and the elitists abhor the shifters, so why would they entertain incestuous relationships? Surely even by their standards it is going to be seen as legally and morally wrong?

I think when Burch finds a little more of her own voice to make this series as strong as it potentially could be.
I received a copy of this book courtesy of the author.

Buy Shifter: City of Wolves by Avery Burch at Amazon UK or go to Goodreads for any other retailer.

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