Friday 15 February 2013

The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa

It doesn't seem that long ago since I read the first book in the series and tiny Ethan was a mere babe in the Fae woods. Now he is all grown up and facing Fae trouble of his own.

It feels as if Kagawa is turning this boat round and heading in a new direction with a strong set of fresh characters that are connected to the old ones. It is a clever way to breathe new life into this popular series.

That also means we will be seeing less of the favourites, if this book is any indication of the future story-lines. Puck and Ash only reared their heads for a short time in this book. Although I am happy to say Grimalkin popped up quite a bit it lacked his usual witty repertoire.

Using the younger generation, Ethan and Kierran with female sidekicks, to generate a new interest has emboldened Kagawa to create another interesting sub-plot. The Iron Queen wanders into the waters of being one of the bad guys. She now confers with past enemies to make the right choice for her kingdom.

Just one thing wrong with that, what's right for the kingdom isn't always right for her family. Suddenly The Iron Queen is no different from the Summer or Winter Royalty.
Doesn't that make her the enemy?
I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley.

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